Raising awareness and expanding, because global revolution is the answer.

Who We Are.

Things we believe.

Climate Change

We acknowledge climate change and its disproportionate effects on BIPOC and the global south. We therefore resist further fossil fuel investment and engage in global rebellion with extreme urgency. As if our lives depend on a climate revolution, because they do.

Global Revolution

Our rebellion is a global one. We deny the existence of political borders, believing that no human being is illegal, especially on stolen land. We need a global proactive movement, not just a reactionary one. No more waiting.

Stolen Land

We acknowledge that many of us occupy stolen land. We therefore respect the wishes of the indigenous peoples who never ceded sovereignty and continue to resist the seizure of their rightful territory.


We will not participate in the same violent tactics used by the oppressive authoritarians that currently govern us. We do expect retaliation from those who seek to suppress revolution, but we are many & they are few.

Crimes Against Humanity & All Life

Governments and corporations have gone unchallenged for their systematic crimes against humanity & all life on earth. To such an extent, that they must be held accountable through global ecocide trials consisting of the people.

The Injustice System

We reject the current criminal justice systems as fundamentally corrupt, and do not recognize police departments as public safety organizations, but consider them enablers of oppression. We therefore do not cooperate with police, and seek their abolishment.


We agree that Black lives matter, and therefore seek to behave as anti-racists. We seek to dismantle racist beliefs and rebel against systems of racial oppression. We seek equitable solutions to ensure equal rights and opportunities.

Disability Justice

In a world where individuals with disabilities are overlooked, undervalued, and often neglected, it is vital the disabled community receive the justice and representation they deserve. We focus on creating and propagating a diverse, inclusive, and representative culture that uplifts disabled voices, encourages the development of widespread accessibility, and breaks down systemic barriers to ensure no one gets left behind.


We support the LGBTQIA+ community. We therefore denounce transphobic and homophobic attacks, be they of a physical, legal, social, or verbal nature.

Bodily Autonomy

We hold bodily autonomy and healthcare to be a human right. We hold in contempt any law, person, or system which limits the freedom of people’s rights to access healthcare for their own body. We therefore advocate for free healthcare, on-demand abortion, gender affirming care, and access to life saving vaccines and medications.


We oppose the cruel belief that all other species are inferior. We recognize that ignoring the climate catastrophe and the current mass extinction events makes us complicit in speciesism and theriocide.


We do not support religious organizations that have a long track history of colonialism, rape, indoctrination, political influence, slavery, genocide & profiteering.

WMD Disarmament

With their long history of violence for their empires of greed, those in power should never have warped the knowledge from scientists to engineer WMD’s. Thus we demand immediate disarmament of all WMD’s to prevent mass omnicide.


Authoritarianism: The enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.

Capitalism: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

Anthropogenic climate change: Human caused climate change primarily from the burning of fossil fuels.

Rebellion: An act of open resistance to an established government or ruler.

Speciesism: The assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals.

Ecocide: Destruction of the natural environment by deliberate or negligent human action.

Genocide: The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

Antitheocratic: Against forms of government in which one or more deities are recognized as supreme ruling authorities, giving divine guidance to human intermediaries who manage the government's daily affairs.

Disarmament: Reduction or withdrawal of all military forces and weapons.

Habituated: Accustomed to something. Such as being accustomed to the systems of oppression. “OMG that’s terrible, anyways let’s talk about something else”.